Think of your grandmother’s house.
There was probably an entire room that was off-limits to pretty much everyone other than her. It had delicate porcelain knickknacks sprawled out on the shelves. It had that incredibly uncomfortable satin couch, and remember those fancy lamps with dangly tassels that would snag on anything within five feet?
Well, unless you’re blessed with an abundance of rooms in your home with space to spare, what Grandma had going on there is a big decorating don’t.
But just because modern families typically forgo formal living areas doesn’t mean that you have to live without sophistication and style. Today’s smart and savvy families want to live somewhere in the middle. They seek attractive style, but they also need durability. They want furniture that will last forever, but they don’t want it to look like they’ve had it forever.
Here are four family-friendly decorating tips to help your home go the long haul.